Sep 03, 2009 22:41
So I wanted to get drunk.. I'm on my second glass of wine, and I'm finishing it up, and I look it down, and I see something floating in my glass. And it's a bug. No more wine tonight.
I sat around all day, waiting for Embarq to call, because the phones next door weren't working, so my dad said they'd call me to tell us when they were showing up. I waited around all day, and they didn't call. Around 5, my mother and I looked outside and saw them around the corner. They fixed the problem, evidently, and my parent's phones work now. The reason the phones didn't work? My moron idiot jackass neighbor managed to cut through them. What a fucking moron. I wish I could move.
I went to buy a new drum controller for Rock Band today, and I was waiting at the checkout at Best Buy, because some jackass employee was buying a soda with change, and purposefully taking his good-goddamn-time to buy it. If I had a claw hammer, I would have buried it in his skull.
I would like something good to happen, without provocation.