In Case You Didn't Know...

Oct 26, 2009 20:37

Abe Vigoda is alive

Page loaded Monday October 26 2009 5:55:27 PM PT

And so is LiveJournal... still... apparently.

I figured that if I kept checking this regularly, I would eventually have something to post about.  Honestly though, I really haven't.  The instant gratification culture has me bound to the phenomenon that is Twitter.  I mean, come on.  It's just soooo easy.  Immediately, when something pops into my head, I just whip out my iPhone and broadcast to the world (or at least the 20 or so who I allow to view my tweets) my menial life observations.  So much less time for composition, and I can do it from my phone.  So that's why this blog remained dormant since the better part of spring quarter.  I contemplated putting it to bed for good, but I just can't bring myself to shutting it down.  It's been a fun little project the last 6 or 7 years (hard to believe, I know).  So you're just gonna have to put up with sparse postings.  Besides, is there anyone left out there in LiveJournalLand?

So anyways, by now, it isn't worth updating too much detail about summer.  It was long, no one was home but me, and I worked a lot.  Pretty concise but very accurate summary.

I'm now in year 3 of the great social experiment that is college, and the year began with a thud: suddenly realizing that I had to actually do stuff.  I finally finished my QUIC and went to my first career fair.  I met some interesting people that I will definitely have to check back with in January when people start offering internships.  I've resolved that I have to, at all costs, get an internship this summer, and I've found some pretty good prospectives.  Maybe I'll touch on this again once the time comes closer, but for now, just know I'm working on it.

I rushed for a professional business fraternity on a whim, thinking it was the perfect opportunity for leadership, service, prestige, blah, blah, blah and I didn't get a bid.  I was bitter about it for a few days, but I'm over it.  I'll probably try again in January.  My plate is looking full already this winter.

Classes are going alright so far.  I have my midterms all this week, which is kinda icky, but I'm working through it.  It just feels like finals week, but with extra classes and no imminent vacation.  My History of the Economic World I test is tomorrow morning, and I feel pretty confident, as evidenced by me posting to my blog rather than cramming.  Wednesday is my Business Law test, and then Thursday is Bio 101 and Intermediate Macro.  I'll be really burnt out this weekend when I go home, but on the plus side, it's Beat Copley Week.  Go Minutemen!

Nothing much else to report at this time.  I know my blog is way more boring than everyone else's, but that's not why I write it.

Footnote:  It has been 293 days, or ~7000 hours, or ~420,000 minutes, or ~25,000,000 seconds since I last updated my Facebook status.

I'll probably start that again after a year-long hiatus.  Kinda fun, I guess.

fraternity, abe vigoda, internship, classes, summer, twitter, year 3, facebook

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