Jan 16, 2009 15:36
Happy mid-January to everyone currently experiencing this round of brutal arctic cold. I've woken up the past 3 mornings to subzero temperatures, and boy I couldn't be any more thrilled. Of course, no one closes school when the wind chill is -20 to -40, that is, no one except every school not named Ohio State. I've also been told that my high school didn't close any of the really cold days either. I can remember having cold days back when I was in grade school, but apparently the administrators have become total hardasses since I've left.
I look forward to venturing out to my car to bring it back on campus for the weekend. My bet is it won't even start.
So the quarter is starting out alright. I'm taking a heavy course load again: 2 major classes and 2 honors classes. To stay in the honors program, I needed to take 3 honors courses a year. I couldn't find a course that fit last quarter, so I'm stuck taking 2 this quarter so I can have a less stressful spring. It's mostly been a bunch of reading so far. I'm taking Business Management 330M (continuation of Stat 133), Accounting 212M (managerial accounting), Astronomy H161 (solar system), and Theatre H100 (intro to theatre).
I'm only taking theatre because I figured it'd be an easy A. It doesn't seem too difficult, but there's a lot of reading, and a lot of BSing. For instance, yesterday we were supposed to have questions ready about the reading we were scheduled. I, of course, had no real questions, so I just wrote down anonymously "what was the reading about?" Kinda a dick move, I know. Then the teacher decided she was gonna collect them and redistribute them and we were all responsible for making sure the question was addressed during the discussion. I got kinda nervous that she was gonna ask whose question it was, but she never did. Funniest part was when a kid a couple seats across from me read the question he received, "what was the reading about?" Then nervously showed it to his friend and asked if she wanted to trade. Lol.
Astronomy is pretty fun. The instructor is pretty cool, and I'm enjoying taking a physical science course again. I'm going down to Barnes and Noble to buy Neil Degrasse Tyson's latest book for my project, so I'm looking forward to that.
Other than that, class is class, but the quarter is going to go pretty fast. It was cool to have Alice visit earlier this week. She came down sunday to tuesday, and we got to hang out a bunch. Good times.
Probably no more updates for a while, not that anyone reads this anyway, but I'll probably forget about it with all the upcoming work. I'm supposed to be joining clubs, applying for scholarships and internships, studying in foreign countries, and doing other leadershippy things. That will all soon consume my life. I'm leaning towards returning to Quadstar this summer, partly out of laziness and partly that I'm not sure if an internship looks better than a significant steady job. I'm still looking for alternatives though. If I find something cool, I'll apply and decide later.
Sucks to be homeless this week. I'm thankful to have a warm bed.