Today I found out that a plate I got from the thrift store marked silesia was made in the 1920's. I did a bit of research on the watermark and that's how I found out. In fact the factory closed in the 1930's. I feel very lucky to have this plate. It's fine bone china with a faint gold trim and delicate pink flowers. I don't remember how much I got it for but it is in very good condition and a has a very unique shape. It is 92 years old. Wow! Antique plates are so much harder to find than antique teacups. So far I have four of them but one is ironstone and I only want to collect fine bone china. I'll post some pictures one day.
Oh btw, I've been looking for the ever elusive vintage Pyrex mixing bowls in good condition and finally I found some today so I had to buy it even they they weren't blue, pink or orange. Score!
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