Apr 20, 2009 21:37
Yes, I am still alive, yes I am still hoping for the pony, yes I have been continuing to write 2000 word reasearch papers for my college Composition class. It is not fun, but today this is what i had to write.
Assignment: (Many people go about getting things that they want in different ways. If a child wants something; to get a response they will kick and scream. Explain in a 250 word essay how you go about getting something you want. You can even think back to when you were a child.)
I have lived for so long now without being able to have what I want that I can’t even imagine actually having it. When I was a child I suppose I was just like most children, I would manipulate my way into acquiring the biggest scoop of ice cream or the cookie that mom told me I couldn’t have before dinner. In all honestly I wasn’t the child who kicked and screamed, I was creative in coming up with my scenario of how I really needed to get the toy or the favorite candy bar when my mother finished her grocery shopping. I was even creative enough that when I asked for the pony every birthday, Christmas and Easter; I would have the entire arrangements for my dream horse all mapped out in my child brain. I would even share these details with my parents thinking this would sway their minds into giving me what I wanted, my very own pony. This was an early lesson in not always getting what you want no matter how great the plan seems. After a while I quit asking but I never stopped dreaming.
Most of my life I have spent countless hours, a bit of blood, a great deal more sweat and a lot of tears working for the things that I want. During this portion of my life I work even harder now at keeping the things that I have. My favorite saying is "Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have."
I will have to say, it never hurts to have pretty blue eyes and a great big smile when I ask for that extra scoop of ice cream. Blue eyes will get you extra sprinkles if they sparkle just right.