Pancakes are good stuff. Pigs in Blankets are even better. But there is nothing in the world more special than watching a 4 going quickly on 5 determined little boy choose to pour every kind of syrup that IHOP had to offer up on those 5 silver dollar wonders.
I sat in wonder as to how little miss pig tails could shovel that much food in and mimic the actions of the adults around her down to perfection. Mom cut the eggs with a knife and fork; she grabs her spoon and the fork crisscrossing them exactly as they should be, there you have it success in the eyes of a blue-eyed blonde.
I have been lucky enough to enjoy the antics and trials of watching and mostly reading about this young family as they have grown from two to now four. It was if we were meant to meet and share a bond from the very beginning. We share commonalities of living in the same states and for a while in the beginning even in the same town until a few years ago they moved further north. We have shared our lives through writing our stories and showing our pictures. I enjoy every moment of it as there is a special quality to their love for each other and to their abilities as parents.
I was in YaYa heaven. I got to spend time with Caleb working through the puzzle of stalactites and stalagmites on our spelunker themed placemat. We played endy car racing with a bright blue hot wheels race car weaving through the maze of half-n-half plastic milk cones and crayola crayons we had set up for crash and burn time. Miss pig tails Kaitlyn showed her finesse in the fine art of knowing exactly what a purse was for and what needed to be stored in it. She stood on the sidewalk outside with the strap positioned neatly around her wrist, when she felt the need for more beautiful lips, her little finger maneuvered the zipper, exit the Chapstick, apply to lips, after application she put it back into her new little green Pokka dot purse, zipped the zipper and a woman’s work is done.
They got to meet the most special man in my life. They got to hear the stories and see the smiles and wish with me his quick or quicker arrival to where he belongs. I got to enjoy being with friends who I had never met in person but have known them for years. I got a few moments to envision being the grandmother Ya Ya that comes so naturally to me.
Thank you,
maeuschen and thank you
misssavie for giving me that opportunity, it made my thanksgiving holiday all the more special.