Nov 08, 2006 10:20
To. mixer2435 (for Public Consumption)
From: J. Moriarty
RE: The next two years.
I great thing happened in this country yesterday. Well, actually three great things. I was sitting in the lounge area of the Dept of American Affairs, sipping Mai Tais and watching the returns, and the first great thing was the voter turnout. It was unusually high for midterm elections. That is a good thing on its face.
The second good thing was when Tiffany wore that tight little American Flag Dress. Selah.
The Third Good Thing happened around midnight, when the Republican Party was handed its first real stomping in ten years. That made me smile even more than Tiffany, and Tiffany makes me Smile.
The People have spoken, and they have decided to send the overwhelming majority of the Facist Pig Republicans home. Even Santorum got kicked out.
O Lord, we thank Thee for Thy Servant Dan Savage, who named a frothy mix of lube and fecal matter "Santorum." Similarly we thank Thee for homosexuality and anal sex, that Dan Savage had fodder for Santorum's political Demise. Amen
I danced with glee until I spilled my drink. I don't want to say anything here that can detract from the giddy feelings we all have now. We've earned it. Dawn has broken on the Long Night.
But What Now?
Now we have more than a toe hold. We are NOT hanging on by our fingernails. What should the new Democratic Congress do with these next two years? The answer is simple.
Strike at the Heart of the Beast. We have taken the City. We MUST take the Castle.
I'm going back into retirement now until 01 January. Then the gloves are off. We will Storm the Gates and Take Back what's Ours. They stole it, and we WILL take it back.
Election 2008--The Reckoning Approaches 01.01.2007
Watch Your Back,
J. Moriarty.