Fic: Forever

Jun 19, 2012 12:24

Title: Forever
Pairing/Characters: TTL!Maruda, with some Junno action
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I obviously do not own the boys or the pv. If I did the bank would get a better name.
Word Count: 928 
Summary: Tatsuya visits the bank to see his boyfriend. 
Warning: Unbeta-ed! Read at your own risk.

“I can’t believe that I have to queue up just to see my boyfriend.” Tatsuya muttered under his breath as he joined the queue at Shine State Bank. Glancing at the counter, he saw his boyfriend Yuichi busy attending to the lady in front of him.

Why is he smiling at her? He didn’t even notice that I am here!

Although Tatsuya knew that Yuichi was just doing his job, he couldn’t help but feel jealous. Ever since Yuichi got promoted to manager last month, he had become increasingly busy, spending more hours at the bank than before. It was not like they were still in their honeymoon period where he needed to see Yuichi all the time (they have been together for 7 years now), but their schedules clashed so badly that they could hardly find the time to meet once a week. They haven’t even been on a date since Yuichi got his promotion.

Is this what they call the seven-year-itch?

“Don’t move! Get all your money out!” A loud bang forced Tatsuya out of his daydreaming.

A robbery?

Tatsuya crouched to the ground and watched helplessly as one of the thugs drag his boyfriend to the safe with a gun to his head. Another one of the thugs motioned Tatsuya to the centre of the room and tied him up with another man.

“Looks like fate has tied us together!” The man turned his head slightly and joked.

“… You seem awfully calm considering the situation.”

I totally should have checked my horoscope before leaving the house today.  Being caught up in a bank robbery, seeing thugs point a gun to my boyfriend’s head, and being tied to a man who makes bad jokes. What have I done to deserve this?

“Well, there’s nothing much we can do right? As long as we do what they say, they will let us go!” Tatsuya presumed that the man was probably smiling, but he couldn’t see his face due to their position. “My name is Taguchi Junnosuke by the way! What's yours?”

“Ueda.” Tatsuya mumbled. He was not really in the mood to be making conversation with Taguchi at the moment.

“So Ueda, what are you doing here? You don’t seem the type to visit foreign banks.” Disregarding Tatsuya’s aloof attitude, Taguchi continued to try to make conversation.

“I am here to visit my boyfriend! Happy?” Tatsuya hissed, hoping that it would shut Taguchi up.

“Oooh which one’s your boyfriend? The cute guy with specs at the counter? I’ve set my eyes on him a few times…”

Great. I am tied up with a guy who has been ogling at my boyfriend?!

Yuichi carefully loaded the stacks of money into the duffel bags as instructed.

When this is all over I will call Tatsuya and we’ll have a nice dinner together. If I am still alive. I know  that I shouldn’t be thinking about Tatsuya now but I really want to see him…

Zipping up one of the bags, he turned to pass it to the thug. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of a familiar figure across the room.

Tatsuya?! What is he doing here?

At the same moment, Tatsuya turned and their eyes met. “Be safe,” he mouthed silently.

He must be here to see me because I have been neglecting him for the past few weeks. What sort of a boyfriend am I, neglecting and putting him into danger like this?

Abruptly, Yuichi heard one of the thugs whisper to another, “After we get the money let’s kill everyone here!”

They are going to kill us? Kill Tatsuya? No!

His entire mind went blank except for the fact that Tatsuya was in grave danger. Without thinking, he threw the bag down and clenched his fist.

If we make it out alive today, I promise we’ll be together forever. I love you, Tatsuya.


Tatsuya stared in amazement as he watched his boyfriend overcome the thug with his karate moves. Then, he felt a jolt from Taguchi and the ropes around him come loose. Instinctively, he jumped up and grabbed the nearest thug.

“Some help here, Taguchi?”

“I already helped in cutting the ropes!” Taguchi grumbled but still got up to help him hold the thug down. “Your boyfriend is really cool over there man.”

“Of course, he’s my boyfriend.” Tatsuya declared proudly.

Tatsuya had to admit that his heart skipped more than a few beats when Yuichi started attacking the thug, and all that filled his mind was the thought that Yuichi was fighting to get them out alive.

He’s fighting for us.

“Tatsuya! Are you alright?” Tatsuya looked up to see his boyfriend running towards him with a deep frown on his face.

“That was dangerous, you could have gotten yourself killed!” He pouted.

“Technically either way I would have been killed you know…” Yuichi started to reason, but stopped when he saw the worried look on his boyfriend's face. “Neh, let’s go on a date now.”

“Eh? Don’t you have to report to your boss or something?” Tatsuya looked around as the police started to flood into the bank.

“I’ll deal with it tomorrow. Tatsuya, I’m sorry that I have been neglecting you recently…” He trailed off as Tatsuya held a finger to his lips.

“I don’t want to hear that now. I just want to be with you. Thanks for fighting... for us.”

“You know that apartment near your boxing gym that you’ve been eyeing, I was thinking… Shall we move in together?”


“We’ll be together forever. I love you, Tatsuya.”

~~ End~~

I'm sorry to all those who wasted 15 minutes of their time to read it T_T I think I use the italics thoughts way too much.. >_< And I really wanted to add Kame and Koki in somehow, but I was lazy >>;; I really liked Junno's pun though, I thought of it last night while lying in bed. (lol)

fic: others, member: ueda tatsuya, pairing: maruda, rating: pg-13, member: nakamaru yuichi, group: kat-tun, length: one-shot

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