How important is same interests in a relationship? I find myself sad cause that. Me and Antonio don't have anything in common really. But I just had a vision about how it's suppose to be. The adult relationship. Living together, breakfast together (cute), leave for work and all the contents of the day, head back home to meet up and spend a nice evening at home (quality time), or instead of going home maybe a nice dinner together at a restaurant. Thinking more about it I don't think the partners need same interests, that might be for teens. I think the adult relationship is more sharing the details of their interest before bed time. Cause with friends to share interests with you don't really need that from your partner. Partership is more enjoying eachothers company and caring for eachother. Is this a "DUH" moment or does that not come easy for anyone?
Anyway, I long for a place forward in life.. I do not have what I want yet. Soon.
It is my fathers fault that I am an sugar addict. LOL, but I think so. He introduced me to it when I was a baby. I won't let my children taste sugar, I'LL BE DEAD BEFORE THAT HAPPENS, LOL. I will teach them to like everything that is healthy.
I miss Antonio. We'll hook up this weekend. Oh, no this Wednesday we will. I am forcing my babyboo to come with me when I'm shopping for a jacket.
Ain't I sweet? Why don't guys like that?