First of all: thanks to all the people who contacted us to warn us about the spam posts in the community.
I've deleted and reported them as spam as soon as I noticed them. We actually have LJ e-mail us everytime someone posts in the community, but unfortuntely it took us some time to delete the spam because of the time difference (... i.e. we were asleep).
Anyway as the people who spammed us had already tried it once under another obviously-fake-LJ-account we're going to go 'Moderate Membership' for a while - post are still public (if you want them to be) but members must now be approved by
paddo or
iridania before they can post. Comments made by non-members are screened.
It's highly unlikely something like this will happen again; if it does, please don't try to outspam them - we appreciate the effort, but it still counts as spam to some people and it wouldn't solve the problem. Plus, I find openly mocking them a more satisfying (even if childish) option.
eta: non-spam-related
paddo added some tags and corrected some others. :)