Avengers: the Children's Crusade #8
- Lettered preview @
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doomfans - Some additional unlettered pages from the latest
Alex Alonso interview:
Now on to the hot topic of our times: the "Avengers Vs. X-Men" event! Sv7nd wondered, "If Allan Heinberg had been available to do his planned Young Avengers Season 2 run back in 2007. Which he has said would have included his plans for the "Search for the Scarlet Witch" story. Could AvX have happened a couple of years ago if the piece(Wanda) of the puzzle had been in place earlier? or has AvX always been more dependent on slowly building Hope and getting her to the point she is now?"
Alonso: As I'd mentioned in an earlier A-I-C column, Sv7nd, we pulled the trigger on "Avengers vs. X-Men" because our ducks were finally in a row to do it right. The ending of "The Children's Crusade" was just one element that went into making that story the story it is. The events in that story, "Schism" and, to a slightly lesser extent, "Fear Itself" set the stage for "AvX," not just "Children's Crusade." Wanda and Hope -- the woman who almost killed the mutant race and the girl who brought them back from the brink of extinction -- are key players in the story so you'd best keep an eye on them now. And don't miss "Avengers Vs. X-Men" #0 this March. It features two stories -- a Scarlet Witch story by Brian [Bendis] and a Hope story by Jason [Aaron], both illustrated by Frank Cho -- that firmly position both characters for the mayhem that erupts the following month.
- Previously released unlettered pages from ACC #8 are
- 2011 Top 200 DC and Marvel Comic Book Characters Master List @
Tom Brevoort confirmed that Jim Cheung is drawing the Avengers vs X-Men covers.
- Marvel is launching a new line of prose novels. More info
- Happy Holidays!