The Children's Crusade #2 Unlettered Preview & more

Aug 16, 2010 19:40


Advance (Unlettered) Preview: Avengers: the Children's Crusade #2
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There's an ongoing discussion about the advance preview  here @ youngavengers :)

ETA: Cover and Solicit for Avengers: the Children’s Crusade #3 (in stores november 3) are out @


Re-Assemble 101: A Quick History of the Young Avengers @ brokenfrontier
Rising from the ashes of Brian Michael Bendis’ redefining Avengers: Disassembled story, Young Avengers #1 debuted in April of 2005. With little to no expectations of the title, being written off as a “mini-Avengers” style book, writer Allan Heinberg was given the freedom to define this next generation of superheroes.

With artist Jim Cheung, then still relatively unknown, Heinberg created a new voice in the Marvel Universe, as well as a new generation of heroes that really could take over for their big gun counterparts. With Marvel’s Avengers: The Children’s Crusade off to a hot start, let’s have a look at where these young heroes came from.
note: in order to download the .pdf version of The Frontiersman #9 you need to be registered on :)


Mark Morales updated his deviantart and CAF galleries with another stunning piece from Avengers: the Children's Crusade #1 and a page from Uncanny X-Men #526.

There's also a new Young Avengers Fanclub @ deviantart.

ETA: Jim Cheung updated his CAF gallery with three new pieces. ACC #2 Cover - ACC #3 Cover - Secret Warriors Interlocking Covers.


If you're on tumblr, you might be interested in taking a look at fuckyeahwiccan, a tumblrlog entirely dedicated to Billy that opened last week.

group: young avengers, !news roundup, warn: spoilers, meta: promotional pics, meta: article, meta: preview, meta: website

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