Billy & Teddy Conceptual Notes

Dec 28, 2009 16:41

Today I was re-reading the Young Avengers issues - and my love for that series grows every time I read it: I keep finding little details that I didn't notice in the previous readings, but that are able to give to the story and its characters new nuances that make everything deeper and more interesting.

That said, me being my silly self, I couldn't help but squealing/giggling when I got to the Conceptual Notes. Probably you already know them by heart, but if you don't, they're an amazing read: here for the Teddy/Billy parts.

Excerpts from:
Conceptual Notes by Allan Heinberg
Wednesday, June 2, 2004

The Asgardian (Billy Kaplan)

[Movie casting: Jake Gyllenhall]

BILLY KAPLAN (16) first appears as though he's a teenage disciple of Thor, wielding what appear to be lightning powers (which seems appropriate as the Thunder God's “sidekick”). But, in fact, Billy is a young sorcerer who will eventually become THE WICCAN.
Billy is neurotic, Jewish, cerebral, ironic, charming - and has no idea whatsoever how attractive he is. He is plagued by self-doubt, thinks way too much, and is never in complete control of his formidable magic powers. Despite his quick wit and sharp mind, Billy's not as articulate about his own feelings - the true source of his powers. Billy's also a huge fan of superheroes (since early childhood) and knows Avengers lore inside and out.
In the course of YOUNG AVENGERS #1-6, Billy will fall thoroughly in love with (and be completely intimidated by) his phenomenally attractive, shape-shifting teammate, Teddy Altman (who first appears as the Hulkling). Over time, Teddy's shape-shifting (and gender-shifting) abilities threaten Billy's ideas about his sexuality. Ultimately, however, his feelings for Teddy force Billy to accept that real love transcends mere physical appearance.
In issues 6-12, Billy discovers that he was, in fact, adopted by his parents, JEFF and REBECCA KAPLAN. He'll then engage in a search for his real parents... who may (if Marvel signs off) turn out to be the Scarlet Witch and the Vision. This revelation will then lead to the discovery of THOMAS, Billy's equally powerful, but morally ambiguous twin brother.

The Hulkling (Teddy Altman)

[Movie casting: Lindsey Lohan]

TEDDY ALTMAN (17) is the most mysterious member of the group. As the Hulkling, Teddy appears to be a smarter, more articulate - and completely in control - teenage version of the Hulk, possessing super-strenght and comparatively massive size. So, it comes as a complete surprise when the Hulkling reveals himself to be an almost supernaturally attractive, teenage GIRL. Teddy is the designated blonde bombshell of the group and appears to be the most self-possessed. But in truth, because so much of her life experience is dictated by her appearance, she's actually the most insicure member of the group. Teddy's never quite sure if people like her for who she really is. Which is compounded by the fact she doesn't quite know who she is. An orphan, Teddy's essentially had to raise herself - even posing as her own parents to avoid being sent to an institution. As a result, she'd become a very talented con-arstist, constantly changing her appearance to get what she needs to survive.
Over time, it will be revealed that Teddy is, in fact, at least part-Skrull, a child of the Kree-Skrull war, thus making her even more of an outsider.
When the Avengers attempt to disband the Young Avengers, Teddy will set aside her identity as the Hulkling and prove herself as the shape-shifting CHIMERA.

Romantic Arcs

BILLY AND TEDDY Billy become involved, as well, but Billy will be forced to question everything when Teddy reveals that she's neither male or female. H/she's a shape-shifter. Billy will have to examine the true nature of love.

I love to read authors' early drafts and, with the actual book in my hands, to compare their original idea with the final one.

These notes with Teddy being a female always quirk me out a bit, since I'm so used to him being a... he. But I have to admit that girl!Teddy always makes me wonder about how different Billy/Teddy relationship would have been, expecially with the skrull gender-shifting issue. And I can't help imagining Billy going all "EWWW BOOBS... but Teddy is so likeable... but boobs are... EWWW. ç_ç"

people: allan heinberg, char: teddy altman, meta: discussion, char: billy kaplan, pair: billy/teddy, meta: transcript

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