No Return or Exchange Without Receipt

Jan 23, 2008 00:11

It's odd. The past few days I haven't felt like posting in here. I mean, I did the video blog thing and the ticker update. But...I mean I haven't felt like leaving an entry of any substance. Granted...the last entry I left took up the entire screen and then some. That could explain it. But I think I should at least force myself to document my Cto5k results from Monday.

At 26:33 I hit 1.35 which placed me at the same distance as Friday. My mile was 19:41 which was actually slightly slower than Friday. But...for some reason I was having a really hard time on the treadmill Monday. I think it was a combination of having done weight training the night before plus having eaten dinner only half an hour or so before hand (and I had lots of carbs in the form of potatos and a roll). I'm hoping tomorrow night goes better.

I did end up doing the full half an hour though so that was good. Result was:

1.51 miles.

So now I start tracking that distance to see improvement. I will still keep track of the pace of my mile though. That makes me feel good.

So like I said I started doing some strength/weight training. Just minor stuff you can do in your bedroom or where ever. But it did have me sore on Monday so I guess it's doing something. I did it again tonight. No soreness yet (other than my knee, ugh). We'll see what tomorrow brings though.

Since my weigh-in sucked after doing the strength training the night before I think I'm going to make sure that Sunday is my resting day. That way there's no chance of "muscles retaining extra water" or whatever. Then I won't feel so devistated when the scale not only shows no loss, but shows some gain.

Tomorrow's goal is to increase my water intake again. I haven't done well since that day I wrote about drinking more than 8-8oz glasses. I also have to fill out and mail out my application to renew my notary. Other than that the only things I have looming over me are laundry and cleaning up my room (also unpacking the last of my boxes, other than my kitchen stuff which will remain packed until I move out again).

Tomorrow is also Cto5k day. I'm glad I'm excited about those days. Makes exercising a lot easier.

Oh, and after discussing it with someone in my one LJ community I've decided that once I start working again I'm going to join Curves. It's less than a mile from where I will be working so it only makes sense. I will be adding that to the Cto5k hopefully. It may have to replace my strengh training days because I'd be doing the resistance training and curves MWF and then also the strength training at home TR. We'll see though. (I so need a trainer to tell me what's okay for my body)

That's it for now!

weight loss, exercise

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