Antigone Jocasta Resker - SPN AU - thattabar

Nov 25, 2010 21:56

As far as Tig Resker's concerned, this place is heaven. It's got breathtaking mountain scenery, her missing-presumed-dead-and-then-actually-dead girlfriend, and vintage clothing.

(Sometimes a little too vintage. Holy Roman Empire and Han Dynasty have never been her looks.)

Most especially right now, this place has sweet potato pancakes-- which Tig can tell from the chill in the air are coming to her at exactly the right time. She's already yearning for Tchaikovsky.

So one spindly dead girl occupies a booth along the wall, happily picking at a plate of pancakes. Her hair is unruly and her shirt looks like it comes from the wrong end of the sixties, but she doesn't particularly care.

It's just another night at the end of the universe.


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