Multipup / Wacky crossover fic / Etceteraways by way of Sunnydale AU

Jun 25, 2010 06:58

Two identical teenage boys walk into a bar.

"Uh," says toblameforit, halting a few steps away from the door. "Sherry, is this your fault?"

"Call me that again and I will do much worse than install a bar in your living room," says if_inconvenient, pausing beside his double and inhaling deeply through his nose. "Hmm. Much better than your usual swill. I would love to claim the credit, but no," dryly, "your guess is as good as mine."

"There's a first," the original mutters. His accent is clearly American where the second boy's is clearly English, but both of them are somewhat regionally muddled. A little New York over here, a little London over there, both flavoured with a strong hint of southern California.

(ooc: Post is open until I strikethrough this sentence!)

pyth's fault, the lake of sky (blame pyth), cal chandler

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