two pups for the price of one / barways

Jun 11, 2010 22:11

VINCENT VAN GOGH - doctor who-flavored history - Seated on a folding chair out by the lake is a man, accompanied by an easel, a palette, and a set of paints. (The day finds him painting as opposed to drinking only by the mercy of the bar, who apparently saw fit to take the matter into her own hands - so to speak.) As much as he likes the bar, in a sober and completely lucid state it is occasionally a little much for Vincent to handle. The countryside (as he details in his letters to Theo) has always had a more calming effect on him, and the effect correlates to his general behavior in the bar and outside of it, which - mercifully - he has come to realize. (His mood swings, while slightly less frequent as of recently, have been a little more severe, partially due to his experience at the Musée d'Orsay. No such high can come without an equally devastating woe, especially not for a man like him.)

CHRIS SKELTON - life on mars/ashes to ashes (indeterminate point in canon; pick a spot or feel free not to address it in tagging him) - In a slight daze, Chris is seated at the bar, back to the counter, eyes on the TV and the 2010 World Cup footage it is currently playing. Needless to say, he isn't quite used to all of the anachronisms (to him, anyway) that the bar keeps presenting him. Still, the drinks are good and plenty, so he has little to sincerely complain about aside from culture shock.

rodge-podge's hodge-podge, cat's pups

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