Ava Wilson - AU!Supernatural - bar

Jun 03, 2010 19:48

The temptation to monologue had been so strong.

But Ava resisted, because she's seen Bond movies and The Incredibles (which also explains her avoidance of capes, if anybody'd been wondering). Sam Winchester and Jake Talley, nice try and thanks for playing, the afterlife will be seating you on your left. This round's winner?

Ava Genevieve Wilson.

The satisfied expression drains away into wary curiosity when she walks back into the abandoned house that she typically treats as a base of operations and finds that it has turned into ... a very, very non-abandoned bar.

Is she dreaming? This isn't exactly Azazel's M.O., but she's gotten kind of used to random inexplicable stuff happening to her over the course of her time in Cold Oak.


He said this time was going to be different.

[ooc: HI GUYS. Since the name of the game tonight was "Merc is bored and will create the WORST AU IN THE WORLD," have a Final Girl Ava! This is Ava from the end of All Hell Breaks Loose Part One, but with a twist: In this thought experiment, she is alive, has killed Sam and Jake, and is currently Most Likely to Open a Door to Hell of the Cold Oak class of 2007.

I don't even know what powers she has, dudes. Tag at will.]

mercuria, ava wilson, cat's pups, cal chandler

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