[Reed Chandler, Harvard era]
Violet is getting paranoid. Reed finds it tiresome. She just won't listen to his assurances that Grahame can't possibly know about them.
And if he does, who cares? Violet is Reed's type, not Grahame's, and everyone knows it. (Though only Reed knows exactly how true that really is.)
So Milliways, when it turns up, is a welcome distraction. Something to think about other than the girl he's stealing from his brother will be a relief.
[Grahame Chandler, mid-canon]
Ostensibly, Grahame is adding the finishing touches to a speech Cal is due to give in two days' time - the observant onlooker, however, will note that pen hasn't touched paper for nearly ten minutes.
He'd thought he would never have to make a deal with Tony Gliardi again. But Cal didn't leave him with too many choices, now, did he?
[Cal Chandler, mid-canon a few years later]
Cal has no idea when Milliways showed up, but that's okay. Heroin has a way of occupying a person's attention.
He's sprawled out in an armchair near the fireplace, eyes closed. He knows Milliways isn't exactly the safest place to ride out a high like this, but he doesn't care.
Not caring is, after all, the point.
[Violet Chandler, post-Harvard/pre-canon]
The door bursts open and Violet comes hurtling through, hand over her mouth. She takes in her unintended destination just in time to avoid crashing into a table, and swerves toward the bathrooms without missing a beat.
. . . a few minutes later, she strolls calmly out of the ladies', smoothing her hair, and takes a seat at the Bar.
Despite the fact that the "morning" part of morning sickness is turning out to be blatantly false advertisement, Violet is pretty damn sure that Bobby's finally finished a job Reed couldn't seem to manage.
And it's about time, too.
[OOC: Open forever, pretty much, in celebration of getting the most important end-of-semester work out of the way. Slowtime may strike without warning! Well, no, I'll try to warn you.
. . . also, everyone in this EP is kind of a jerk, with some more capable of being polite than others. So, uh, be aware of that.]