There is a pilot in the bar. Well, ex pilot. Dead ex pilot. Her Samson's outside, and she can't get her to fly. trudy's working on that.
So, one dead ex-Marine pilot in the bar, boots up on the table, cross still around her neck (as is her shell and bone, but they are on a longer chain, and hidden by her shirt), flicking through a mechanic's manuel.
Of course, being from the 22nd century, said manuel looks more like a datapad than anything else.
"...under the circumstances, I'm happy she's still in one piece," comes the reply. American accent, still with a slightly southern twang. Then Trudy glances up.
Damn straight she knows how to take a drink - ex-marine, honey.
"Ooooh, that's the good shit. Y'know, they don't mention that in the small print - sign up, go to exciting places, spend the rest of your career drinking moonshine."
So, one dead ex-Marine pilot in the bar, boots up on the table, cross still around her neck (as is her shell and bone, but they are on a longer chain, and hidden by her shirt), flicking through a mechanic's manuel.
Of course, being from the 22nd century, said manuel looks more like a datapad than anything else.
"...she giving you trouble?"
"But, yeah, she's giving me trouble."
She shrugs.
"...should I ask about the circumstances?"
You need a drink to go with the schematic?"
"Wouldn't say no."
I was initially thinking margaritas, but we could cut out the middleman and go right for tequila?"
True to her word, Aife returns momentarily with a bottle and two shot glasses. She pours for them both and settles into a seat across from Trudy.
Yes, tosses.
You spend several years on a Marine base on another planet, one that has a bunch of scientists, and you beat that they are going to concoct moonshine.
Aife grins and mirrors the gesture exactly.
"Ooooh, that's the good shit. Y'know, they don't mention that in the small print - sign up, go to exciting places, spend the rest of your career drinking moonshine."
"Understandably so," she says, pouring the next round. "It's be murder on the recruiting quota."
"I'm Aife, by the way."
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