Two-for-one; bar-type place.

Jan 05, 2010 02:59

[Both characters are from Dragon Age: Origins; Thessaly is my version of "The Warden", aka the main player character, and Nemhain is an OC with canon background; their actual journals can be found at that_warden and archdemonsoul respectively.]

Through the front door: one short redhead in leather armor (she's temporarily traded in her mage robes for something that deflects arrows a little better), stumbles in backwards after blasting one last fireball out the front door before pulling it shut and leaning against it to catch her breath and look around.

"This place again? I won't say it's not convenient, but eventually someone's going to notice."


In an opposite corner, a dark-haired girl of apparently sixteen sits in a chair by the fire and plays with a crystal of some sort. She seems to be entertaining herself by catching the firelight with the crystal and reflecting it on various nearby surfaces.

She occasionally glances up at passers-by and seems to regard them with nearly the same look that she gives the crystal; apparently she is entertained by people-watching, too.

[Tags open til FOREVER, slowtimes A+++; mun is probably going to bed shortly but wanted to toss this up while muse was semi-awake.]
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