Honehe of the Wodfreca / OC / Barthing

Sep 02, 2009 20:47

She stumbles back, and the sudden appearance of a door breaks her fall even as it swings open, dumping her unceremoniously on the bar floor. Still, warrior reflexes kick in and she's soon on her feet, facing the new environ.

She's a strange mixture, this new patron, if you're familiar with the culture from whence she came - or have ever read a fantasy book. Chainmail over her leather jerkin, and the heavy sword in both hands are the uniform of a soldier in training. But the wolf hide, its head sitting on her brow so the nose almost touches her own looks as out of place as the remarkably clean silver knife hanging unsheathed at her belt next to one of a pair of bone spikes. A warrior from one people learning to fight as another, she balances precariouisly in the middle.

Her sex? Well, you'd have to be paying attention, for her hair is short, her clothes cut for a man, and her breasts are small, though bound for support not a disguise.

Honehe of the wodfreca stands, holds a hand over a bleeding wound on her arm, and scans the area, thoughtfully.

[OOC: While she's physically completely human (and smells that way), Honehe is seeped in a magic very very similar to that of a werewolf, berserker, or other primal. Right now, she's in possession of heightened reflexes, stamina and senses. Also, an actual werewolf will comfuse the Hell out of her]

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