Jack Bauer, Post-S6 MM continuity, panfandom bar type place.

Aug 30, 2009 23:48

Jack steps into the bar, rubbing his forehead and looking a little rough.  He hasn't slept well--again--and there was a worrying-looking letter from a law firm in the mailbox when he'd picked up the mail.  It was addressed to Kim, which doesn't really help any, either.  He's dying to know what's the letter says, but can't open it, obviously, and Kim won't be home from her psychiatrist's appointment for another hour at least.

He could really use a drink, and there's only one place he feel comfortable enough in to get one.  Which is how he ends up at the bar, drink in front of him and staring out the observation window.

[ooc: okay, so I've been total fail at actually RPing this summer.  Basically I would rarely think "hey! I wanna RP!", toss a pup in the bar, start a couple threads, and then the next day be wiped/out brain dead and the threads would wither and die.  Sorry, guys, this summer has sucked.

BUT.  Summer is over!  Work is not as busy!  I have the next two days off!  So while I make no guarantees that I'm not going to be made fo fail again, I'd love to RP with people and try slowtiming for this week.  I want to get back in the groove, dammit, as I miss RP.  Post is open indefinitely.  Oh, and for Jack it's only been a day ro two in his world since he was last in the bar.]

jack bauer

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