Sam looks up from the mechanical bird he's working on and gives a slightly nervous smile, his outfit would look out of place in the Dollhouse with leather breeches and a linen shirt,
"Its rather surprising. I still haven't figured out how it does it."
Everything looks out of place right now. It has all day, even since he woke up to find himself in what Echo so aptly termed "a five-star floor coffin," but this really takes the cake.
He's so baffled that he forgets, for a few seconds, that he's going for blank and incurious. The fact that this is the first person outside their (his) group to talk to him like they both have brains in their heads doesn't help to jog his memory any.
"Apparently its a sort of gateway that connects worlds and I don't know how it works. I'm Sameth. I can get you something to drink while I try and explain."
Sameth looks back down at his mechanics and then quickly back up at the curse,
"The way you came in isn't there, right? It did that to me, its better than I thought because my sister can't find me here but this is a strange place where the Dead seem to walk."
Victor heard whose, not who's. It makes more sense. Plus, he's not really focused on in depth pancake discussion. That idea is stupid, anyway. Why induce an upsetting hallucination when everything about the place he's in is designed to be quiet and soothing? That wouldn't make any sense.
It might even make less sense than a door than disappears.
"Right. I didn't have any for breakfast so I don't think Milliways is their fault. Do you want to sit down?"
He tries to clear off some space around what he's working on but the gold Charter Marks are still floating in the air and sometimes almost winking out of sight.
Victor looks over and shakes his head without thinking. He doesn't want to sit. He has to be ready to move, to find Sierra and see if they can still meet up with Echo and November.
(To find Sierra.)
"I'm good, thanks." Not supposed to say no to a suggestion, he remembers, but - Jesus Christ. He's also not supposed to end up in a restaurant where there wasn't one, and doors aren't supposed to disappear.
And he's looking around now, and there are no cameras.
"Sameth, I'm from the Old Kingdom but don't worry if you haven't heard of it. I've only met two people here who have and one was my mother and the other a rather long ago descendant."
"Victor." It's the closest he's got to a name right now, and even if he did know his real one, it would be stupid to give it out here, anyway.
Sameth isn't part of the NATO alphabet, he notes. (The S is Sierra, who's on the other side of the door that isn't there.) That might mean something, it might not.
"Its rather surprising. I still haven't figured out how it does it."
He's so baffled that he forgets, for a few seconds, that he's going for blank and incurious. The fact that this is the first person outside their (his) group to talk to him like they both have brains in their heads doesn't help to jog his memory any.
"What - the hell is going on?"
. . . uh huh.
He'd bet money this guy hangs out with Mike.
"Right. Uh, thanks, but, I was going to the - uh, the pool. To swim."
Victor turns and damn near walks into the wall that was not there fifteen seconds ago.
"Oh, what the fuck."
His cover is so blown. It'll be another few seconds before he notices.
Sameth looks back down at his mechanics and then quickly back up at the curse,
"The way you came in isn't there, right? It did that to me, its better than I thought because my sister can't find me here but this is a strange place where the Dead seem to walk."
And, shit, he's supposed to be acting like he's been mindwiped. Fuck, he's blown that right out of the water.
This guy doesn't seem to notice, though. On the other hand, this guy is also clearly fucking insane. And there are still the cameras to worry about.
There is one possible explanation.
"What did they put in the pancakes?" he mutters.
He's had some strange conversations here but this is really starting to number up there.
Victor heard whose, not who's. It makes more sense. Plus, he's not really focused on in depth pancake discussion. That idea is stupid, anyway. Why induce an upsetting hallucination when everything about the place he's in is designed to be quiet and soothing? That wouldn't make any sense.
It might even make less sense than a door than disappears.
He tries to clear off some space around what he's working on but the gold Charter Marks are still floating in the air and sometimes almost winking out of sight.
(To find Sierra.)
"I'm good, thanks." Not supposed to say no to a suggestion, he remembers, but - Jesus Christ. He's also not supposed to end up in a restaurant where there wasn't one, and doors aren't supposed to disappear.
And he's looking around now, and there are no cameras.
Sam gives him a small smile though his hands start working on the bird again, Charter Marks flowing over the metal like oil.
Or has, at least, known the code he's been assigned, which Victor doesn't love, but it will do for now.
He doesn't know his name any more than Sierra, Echo, November, or Mike did.
Victor eyes the guy.
"Didn't catch yours either."
Sameth isn't part of the NATO alphabet, he notes. (The S is Sierra, who's on the other side of the door that isn't there.) That might mean something, it might not.
As he talks, Sam's hands still work at the small gears in front of him, he's thinking about them but not focusing.
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