Jun 11, 2009 08:53
There is an angry turtle.
He might be in a bar in New York or at the end of the world. It might be on the Triceraton homeworlds, for all anybody knows. He might also be bumming around a small village that steals people to educate them. Or maybe he's on top of an apartment building in a land desperate to repopulate itself.
HELL, he might be anywhere.
Regardless: This is a turtle lookin' for trouble. Grumpy turtle ahoy.
[Mun has had a double whammy of crap news. Raph gets to be my convenient vehicle of possible and potential violence, or at least, I need me some RP; just specify where he is when you tag-- Village, Milliways, Apharsites, Canon, Crossover canon-- whatever. Just tag, so I don't chew my arms off in frustration while I'm at work.]