GAMEPOST! - Strangefellows // Louis Piper - Mortal Coils

Mar 16, 2009 21:37

This post is as much an ad as a gamepost. strangefellows, for those not on my friend's list, is a game set in Simon R. Green's Nightside, a city set off from the rest of Creation as being off limits from the Eternal Struggle between Heaven and Hell. The Nightside is a dangerous place and it takes all comers.

The titular bar, Strangefellows, is said to be the oldest bar in the world. Once called Dies Irae and Avalon, it's run by a cranky descendant of Merlin and frequented by some of the most fantastic, terrifying S.O.Bs in the multiverse. Not to mention the rest of the city...

Sitting in the bar, though, is a singular figure. He'd been here before, had spent more money than he should have wasted on the wormwood brandy after he'd first realized his horrible fate. Of course, that was all in the past, his power restored, his status once more comfortably inhuman.

That didn't make the brandy any less good.

As such, Louis Piper was enjoying his drink, even if he could hear the grumbling from the basement and the bartender kept looking at him funny. Oh, if that beret-wearing crank knew what he'd been up to for the last fifteen years, or why? Well, he'd either laugh or cry or possibly tell him he wasn't to come in for drinks anymore. For the moment, however, he didn't care. He was just here to see what there was to see and not get involved.

game post, louis piper

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