Multi-Muse Crack Post, Ahoy, Barplace!

Feb 28, 2009 11:37

There is a whale in the middle of the bar. How or when it got there is anyone's guess, but it doesn't change the fact that it's sitting there. In fact, feel free to run into it--literally.


"What the *bleep* is goin' on here?!"

The man who just stepped through the door of the bar is not quite so quiet; in fact, you'd be hard-pressed to find a way to describe him other than 'loud.' Hipster jeans, low-tops, blond crew-cut, and so much more don't help, not to mention a gun that's much bigger than it has any right to be.

"Someone mind telling me when LA became *bleep*ing Casablanca? Dammit, I want answers and I want them now. And some babes while you're--" What the hell happened to his clothes? "--shit, I got stuck on the wrong side of the stupid-ass time machine again." He continues cursing under his breath, so we'll move to...


...the fresh-faced young tech support-come-secret agent over yonder, sitting at the bar and trying to pretend like Duke Nukem didn't just show up in a pink tank top and skinny jeans. Seriously, what the hell?

Oh well, it's Milliways, so Jake turns back to his hamburger with a signature dorky smile on his face.

[[Open forever! The crack, it was just too good.]]

it's spy love: between two spies!, chuck bartowski, anomalous muses, jake foley

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