Daniel Faraday / LOST / di_namaste setting

Sep 09, 2008 09:22

[ ooc: di_namaste is a game set on an AU-version of the island from "Lost". The fantastic thing is that you don't need to know anything about the show to play here! Isn't that great? :D

Here are some handy links to inform you about the game and its setting:


When tagging this EP, your pup will be acting as though he/she's already been on the Island for a little while, at least - even a few hours works just fine. (You'll have the chance to do the whole arrival thing if you join! ;D)

This is a game post, so if you are so inclined, you can certainly post your pups into other locations on the Island / have them interact with anyone who responds to this post. k? k! HAVE FUN AND GO CRAZY!

Please keep in mind that if you're posting your pup into the area of the barracks, they're either an off-shift DI employee or someone living there as a civillian. You can also post your pup in as working in one of the stations, but, should you decide to apply to the game, there's a chance that they might not end up employed at that exact station. But, they also might end up there! You won't know until you jooooiiiiiin~

If you have any questions (!! or if you want to post a "Lost" pup in !!), don't hesitate to ping me at quaereverumxi on AIM, or leave an ooc comment here. ]

Six months. He and Tilly had gone six months without seeing any sign of life from that damned portal and then, all of a sudden, they were getting one new arrival after the other.

Some were... well, "normal", and some weren't. Some had strange powers, some weren't human - it was horribly disorienting, but Dan sensed no shock from the Initiative. He had to wonder, on occasion, whether or not they were expecting this to happen, that this was their plan all along.

They've got quite the roster of employees, now, with most of the stations staffed. It's a relief, that's for sure, but Dan is having trouble wrapping his head around the fact that some people - some things - here are not human.

It also doesn't help that the majority of them don't want to be here.

It's the middle of the afternoon and hot as hell (humid - there's a storm brewing not far away), but Dan doesn't seem to mind it. He's standing on a dead log outside the boathouse, eyes restlessly sweeping the landscape.

No one ever really goes to the boathouse. It's not that stocked, and the items that are kept in side can easily be found on other places around the Island. That's why he keeps his notebook in there, hidden underneath one of the floorboards.

He wipes the sweat from his brow, takes one more good look around to make sure no one's watching, and steps inside.

maxwell smart, game post, pyth's fault, chainsaw

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