Regulus Black (Potterverse/Neverwhere crossover), pandimensional watering hole

Aug 01, 2008 22:05

Door's heard a few interesting humors about the Shepherds collaborating with one of the Circuses on something - it figures, that it's the Circuses stirring up trouble. Regulus is planning to avoid calling in his favor from the Marquis as long as possible, so he's doing the research himself.
After a stop in the library (both to collect books and see if Luna was around - simply to ask if she'd heard more details, of course), he's set up shop at a table. Better to get some of this done where he's not going to lose any time. (And where Ingress won't be reading over his shoulder; even he doesn't want to know some of this.)
He's mostly reading, but he glances up every few minutes to take stock of his surroundings.

regulus black

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