The (9th) Doctor - Doctor Who - That End-of-Universe? not bloody likely

Jul 16, 2008 00:35


An odd noise can be heard -  it defies description really - you'd have trouble describing it to someone secondhand. One really needs to be able to hear it to understand.

A man in a black leather jacket, a posh (no really, it is posh - just ask anyone. Well ask him. He thinks it's posh) maroon jumper, black jeans and heavy black boots, peers through the doorway.

"Bloody hell, where have you taken us this time?" the man mutters under his breath. "This is not the third moon of Nebulon and you know it."

When no audible answer can be heard, he sighs and decides since he's here - wherever here is - he'd best look around.

And he was having such a nice day.

Still, adventures are more fun with two.

"Rose, come on out. You'll want to see this."

the doctor (ninth), rose tyler

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