Oliver Queen, Smallville, ThatParTypePlace

Jul 11, 2008 15:52

Booted feet ran hard against the roofs of the city as the man green worked his way through the shadows, the sounds of the city about him as he moved carefully covering his movements. It was a good night to be out- slightly overcasted causing long shadows upon the ground with a possible chance of rain. Perfect.

Slipping down a fire escape toward a door a few floors down, Oliver mentaly cursed himself as a foot slipped nearly causing him to lose his balance. It wouldn't pay to be falling down on the job, see. Carefully he lowered himself to the ground, drawing the bow from about his back and pulling an arrow from its quiver. One deep breath taken he kicked in the door, rolling in giving the people within a moving target to flail about, before drawing up with bowstring and arrow pulled back to his cheek.

But it wasn't a lab.

It was a bar.

Please pardon the total expression of WTF?! that just crossed the young man's face.

ib woz ere, bart allen

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