Millitype Place, Twilight Movie!verse Charlie Swan

Dec 02, 2011 00:01

Forks Police Chief Charlie Swan has a lot of things on his mind.

For one, there's the presentation he has to make to the town council about funding to make one of his officers full-time instead of part-time so that officer can work wth the school board and a couple other agencies to develop strategies for keeping local kids out of trouble.

For another, there's the reports of animal attacks in surrounding counties; more than any year he can remember.  Particularly considering he can't really assume it's one animal responsible for all the attacks, unless it's covering an unusually large territory.

But at the moment, the main thing he has on his mind is the phone call he got from his daughter Isabella, telling him that she's coming to live with him for a while.  He's not dumb enough to believe she really wants to move to Forks to finish high school; she hates Forks, so much that he's gone to visit her during their yearly summer vacation after she told him just how much she didn't want to go to Forks.

His main suspect for this change of heart is Bella's new stepfather, Phil.  He'd asked if Phil had done anything to make her want to leave--just barely managing to keep his suspicion out of his tone when all he really wanted to ask was has he hurt you or your mother?  Has he said anything or done anything to make you uncomfortable?  Bella had quickly denied it, but it hadn't taken his experience in law enforcement to know she was lying.

He hadn't pushed her; Bella's a lot like him in her reticence to talk, the way she prefers to keep her own counsel.  Push her and she'd clam up.  Not pushing might let her open up on her own.  At the very least, his home would be a safe place for her, if there was something wrong in Arizona.

(Not that that helps stop him from wanting to fly down to Arizona and see just what's going on with Phil with his own eyes, make sure Renee isn't in any danger.)

With all these concerns, as well as the usual day-to-day things, he heads for the Carver Cafe, pulling his cruiser into his usual parking spot.  He could use a cup of coffee (he'd prefer a beer, but he's in uniform at the moment) and some cobbler right about now.  Only when he opens the cafe's door, it's not the familiar wood-panelled walls covered in black-and-white photos of Forks' past and the occasional stuffed animal that he sees in front of him.

(He has no idea that a magic door appearing is far from the first strange thing in Forks, but he'll learn soon enough.)

[ooc: As you might be able to tell, this is movieverse!Charle, from pre-Twilight.  Not sure how late I'll be on tonight, but am off this weekend for slowtiming!]
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