Pop Quiz -- If you have chosen to drown
your sorrows and anxieties in alcohol and then planned to ride out the buzz on a particularly comfortable couch, only to discover said couch is occupied, what do you do?
If you selected "make friends with the couch's current occupant," you get a gold star. In conclusion:
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Instead he's found a seat by the fire and leans forward when he sees the state Rache is in, "What's bothering your friend?"
"Originally, he seemed very concerned about people calling Merchant of Venice a comedy. Any more than that and he's been much less forthcoming.
As for him being my friend, we met about an hour ago." She grins. "He moves a little fast."
It's hard to see someone quite so distraught and not wish to do something.
What did you say your name was again, sugar?"
Rache lifts the arm he flung over his eyes. (The room was rotating for a moment. It seems to have settled.) "Rache. Charmed." He wiggles his fingers in greeting. "Forgive my manners."
Flop goes the arm, back across his face.
He's being good and not peeking into Rache's mind though it would help to know what to say.
"No coffee for me, thank you, but you're welcome to stay and chat."
At home, he tends to cheat.
"Alcohol, for example. Excellent facilitator," Doll adds, retrieving a half-full glass (formerly Rache's) from the floor.
"I agree, it smooths away so much. Barriers fall and everything goes easier."
"Do you want to try the hair of the dog? Though you have found a beautiful woman to lean on so perhaps it makes sense to not find a way to move too quickly."
"Hair of the..."
Rache moves his arm out of the way, revealing a confused expression.
"I didn't think they were for eating?"
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