[somewhere not here: Matt gets a
phone call from one Nita Callahan.
Then he
hits the town.]
He thought Devon was avoiding him at work, but the truth is it's more like he avoided Devon. Another truth: That glorious, glorious jolt he got, that thrilled him like a high, has dissipated all too quickly.
Matt's still not sure exactly what happened. (But secretly he thinks he's exactly sure.) He does not particularly want to hang around the bar proper, however, so he grabs a triple shot espresso from Bar and heads upstairs to the library.
The library isn't all shelves and non-Euclidean corners; there are some places to sit, too. This time Matt even finds a fireplace, which is good. He's felt a bit chilly all day.
Less good: he can't quite muster the attentiveness or concentration to read anything.
[ooc: have at, lovelies! WORD OF WARNING: Matt is partially possessed by a demon, which is currently cloaking itself. Matt is not in full control of his actions and may try to seduce your character to drain their energy orrrr be otherwise creepy at them. feel free to direct questions to MerkyDee on AIM!
for what came immediately before this,
check out the
demonic backstory.
this ep is: closed
warnings for: sexual content in Matt-Rache]