It is two weeks to the day since Jane left Tom on the road to Gretna Green and she has not cried today. When she finds Milliways, she picks a booth and spreads out her manuscript and begins to write. Losing herself in her works where characters may have happy endings and she can control what happens has helped her.
In time her tea has grown cold and her fingers and her nose are dotted with ink as she forgets where she is and simply writes. She is slightly aware of being hungry but not enough to look up, a reminder of where she is would not go amiss.
The excitement for The Hobbit keeps getting more and more in Wellington and Tiwa is grinning as she led some tourists on a hunt for the movie all around the city. In the end, they found what they were looking for but it wasn't what they expected and she considers herself rather successful.
When she finds the Bar, she orders a mince and cheese pie and some tea before sprawling in a comfortable chair to eat, her wet jacket is near the fire to dry off as the rain kept coming down today.