Mar 26, 2011 22:37
There's a boy and his horse, a boy and his dog, and then-- boy and his dragon. They all have one thing in common: boys and animals. It's the age old tale of that first special friendship. You know, that'll later be followed up by the Old Yeller version of the story.
But we're not talking about that now. We're talking about a boy (scrawny, sixteen, red hair and green eyes and too many freckles, marked as 'different' due to the fact that part of one leg is missing and is replaced with a crude prosthetic) and a dragon (sleek, black, with yellow-green eyes and a missing tail fin that has also been placed with a slightly less crude prosthetic).
They're lounging out by the inlet. There may be a pile of fish involved (for the dragon) or a sketchbook and crude pencil made of charcoal (for the boy) and there's plenty of sunlight and joy all around.