Do you remember me?

Jan 07, 2007 17:57

I haven't been here since...last month. I feel bad, because LJ is way better than Xanga or MySpace.   So I've come back to blog. I miss
playthedamncard and all.   I haven't even been around to say something like "Happy Holidays" or "Happy New Year" and what-not. All I have to say now is a lame "My birthday is coming!" but I'm not too excited about that either. *eyeroll*

So, since the beginning of December.  Let's see. What happened. Well, I celebrated Christmas with my family, no big surprise there. I have been quite a coocoo for religion when I started LJ, haven't I? I'm ashamed. But Christmas was fun and so was New Years. Well, actually, the day before New Years, being that we went to New York and got The Vampire Lestat with my aunt and cousin. I'm reading all the Anne Rice books mixed up. I already read Memnoch the Devil (which is so completely one of the greatest of all fiction novels), and finishing up Armand. But enough about books. I saw my relatives a lot lately. Surprisingly, despite some background drama (*cough*), everyone is relatively okay. They even tried to slaughter my dog, which is okay as long as the fail miserably, you know.

Then there's school, which is the same thing everyday. I like my friends, yes, but it still fels weird to type things about them. Like, hm, we go to this Cafe sometimes after school, and Pusa's little Asian store where the fish bowl gets dirtier everytime I go there. And now that I'm doing relatively fine at Algebra now, my grades in Literature have been plummeting. Literature, of all things. *scratches chin*

And starting the end of this week, we have Big Tests. I should be studing, honestly, but my sin is Sloth. :D  I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up studying next week instead. As
yuehkitsunesaid, procrastinators unite.

And also. I shall get my hands on the eighth Death Note. I shall.

rant, [irl], shameless n00b, [oldschoollolz]

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