Mar 05, 2005 02:00
Lindsey was frowning into his cup of coffee, the contents of which he was sure had grown cold. It was strange, how little Wolfram & Hart seemed to have changed during his time away. Now, as he sat behind his new desk in his new office with its brand-new furniture and trimmings, he couldn't help feeling that maybe he hadn't changed, either. When he came back to LA, he thought he had come back a changed man. Wearing a suit and sitting in a shiny Wolfram & Hart office again made him feel that maybe, just maybe, he'd thought wrong.
He sighed and took a drink of his lukewarm coffee. He'd thought he'd never get used to working for the firm again, but already, he was starting to feel right at home. He wasn't so sure he liked that. It might not have been a good thing. Of course, not everything about working at Wolfram & Hart had been horrible. There were a lot of things about the firm he liked. The pay, for one. The pay was excellent. It was enough to let him leave the office with a smile on his face, most days. The pay, the fringe benefits... beyond those things, there was also the active challenge of doing the job itself. Then there were other things, the things he wasn't quite so fond of.
Well. You had to take the good with the bad, didn't you?
Making a face at his cold coffee, he set the mug down on his desk and hit the button on the nearby intercom, opening the connection between his desk and his new assistant's. That was new. Nice, too. Having an assistant. Someone to schedule his appointments, take his calls, make his coffee...
Definitely a nice perk.
"Stacey?" he asked, clearing his throat as he leaned over towards the speaker on his telephone setup. "Mind running to the lounge and getting me another cup of coffee? One cream, two sugars, please. Thanks."
((Open to anyone! Lilah, perhaps?))