A Perfect Resolution

Jan 17, 2017 21:40

Title: A Perfect Resolution
Character(s): Hermione Granger & Luna Lovegood
Pairing(s): Hermione/Luna
Rating: K+
Warning(s): none.
Challenge(s): challenge #1 - resolution for mixandmatch100
Word count: 100
Author's notes: Many thanks to k_lynne317 for the beta. I dont own these characters.

"So what's your New Year's resolution?" Luna asked as the countdown began. She glanced at Hermione lovingly, taking her hand.

Hermione blushed. "Well, my resolution is to be more open-minded about nargles, crumple-horned snorkacks, and other creatures that you tell me about." She knew that she needed to be more supportive of Luna’s beliefs.

Luna beamed, eyes twinkling. "Wonderful. My resolution is to snog you more."

As the clock struck twelve, cheering rang out. Hermione wrapped her arms around Luna and pulled her close. "We better get started on your resolution, then," she said before pressing her lips against Luna's.

pairing: hermione x luna, rating: g, author: articcat621, prompt 01: resolution

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