Round Up and Prompt 112: St. Mungo's Hospital

Jun 29, 2020 19:51

Hello lovelies!

This has just not been the week I was planning on having. I went out to the pony pasture on Monday morning and was met with a partially blind pony. A pony, who just the night before, had two fully functioning and normal looking eyeballs.

It has been a stressful, tearful week for me, but my one blessing is that my pony hasn't been in any pain... Well, other than thinking the meds we've been putting in her eye are a pain in her ass (metaphorically of course) ha. She's as happy as a calm with all the recent attention.

Since the eye hasn't responded to the meds, surgery has been scheduled for next week (not nearly soon enough in my option, but maybe some others will cancel). Until then its just more meds and lots of brushing.

Hope that isn't too heavy for anyone! Just really absorbed my brain power this week and has heavily influenced this week's prompt.

And so, without further ado--

The Round up:
enchanted_jae wrote Someone New 196 (Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, PG)

And the new Prompt:

S  T.    M  U  N  G  O  '  S    H  O  S  P  I  T  A  L

Please note that you can mix and match this challenge with other  challenges as long as it's drabble lengths: 100, 200, 300 - 500, etc.  and follows the rules of different houses for the characters  involved.  If you have any questions please feel free to message katie_flint

round up, prompt 112: st. mungo's hospital, mod post

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