2019.07.15 4U.'s First LINE LIVE

Jul 16, 2019 08:42

4U. had their first LINE LIVE yesterday. The 1hr broadcast is up on their LINE LIVE account so those that missed it or would like to re-watch can do so here.

4U. announced that they'll have a regular program on LINE LIVE. There will be 5 broadcasts a month, one done by each member and one done as a group. They also announced the official twitter account of their LINE LIVE program, which is @4ulinelive.
They talked about what kind of broadcasts they would like to do (Kosshi wants to go eat at an izakaya, Fuku-chan wants to go on a trip, Tatsumi wants to coordinate outfits, and Matsu wants to do a bingo competition). They also took suggestions from the LIVE comments for their program title. Tentatively, they settled on 4U-tachi Yacchai na yo! Ru~RuRuRu~ but they haven't confirmed an official title yet.
They also had fans vote through the comments on key word options for different replies from the members on their official LINE account. Right now, there's just one kind of automated message if you respond in their chat.
There was also a lot of messing around in 4U-like fashion so definitely check it out if you haven't. It's a good way to see what the group is like if you don't know much about them as well. I personally think they're most in their element when they have this sort of freedom to do whatever so I think LINE is a good platform for them to really showcase their appeal outside of their stage work.

I'm not sure if these announcement/brief summary posts are helpful to any of you. My understanding of Japanese is pretty limited (I'm learning at a very slow pace), but I follow 4U's activities pretty avidly lol, so I don't mind to keep doing these posts as a general reminder that can also serve as discussion posts for the show. Let me know your thoughts!

*news/info*, video: streaming, -unit: ふぉーゆー (4U.), media: others

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