Hi guys, sorry for the lack of updates!
If previously I was busy and my internet sucked really badly,
now I'm just too stupid and lazy.
I'm currently having psychological issues with my inner self
(I'm not insane, just really depressed and lacking of confidence/hating myself)
so I can't bring myself to do things and keep on postponing them.
I'm really sorry.
Anyway I'm bringing you some more or less "fresh" news...
- 4U.'s butai "EN" 『縁~むかしなじみ~』 has a
website as I previously wrote, and it updated infos about the tickets.
(prices, how to buy them etc)
If you want to download the flyer in HQ click
- 4U.'s Fukuda Yuta appeared on "Pon!" as mentioned
HERE by our lovely
heart283heart283 - Recently TheyBudou's Yamamoto Ryota and Eda Tsuyoshi have been casted in "ABC Za 2016
Kabushikigaisha Oenya!! OH&YEAH!!"『ABC座2016 株式会社応援屋!! OH&YEAH!!』Butai, but
the other day also MADE it's been added at the cast.
HERE the website.
(You don't have idea how happy I am, even if I'm sad that Hayashi isn't with TheyBudou)
The show will be held at Tokyo's Nissay Theatre from October 5th, 2016 to October 27th, 2016.
If you want to download the flyer in HQ click
- It's been announced that on September 14th, will be released Takizawa Kabuki 2016 DVD
(starring among others TheyBudou's Hayashi Shota).
The DVD will be available in two versions Regular Edition and Limited Edition.
DISC 1: Butai Part 1
DISC 2: Butai Part 2 + Bonus ("Ukiyo Adesugata Sakura" Performed by Takizawa Hideaki and Miyake Ken)
DISC 1: Butai Part 1
DISC 2: Butai Part 2
DISC 3: Documentary
+52 pages photobook
-For both versions, Part1&Part2 will come with Japanese subs.
-For both versions, you'll have the chance to get a clearfile for free.
There are 6 different versions of the clearfile, and they will be gave away in different shops:
°HMV -vers. C-
°Shinseido/WonderGoo -vers. D-
°Tackey Shop/mu-mo Shop -vers. E-
°Other locations -vers. F-