4U. and TheyBudou on JWeb

Mar 05, 2015 19:22

So guys, on J-web are been updated:

- A video of 4U. advertising Johnny's Ginza (CREA) shows, GoGo Smile and Pita Raji.

- A video of TheyBudou advertising Johnny's Ginza shows and Takizawa Kabuki 10th Anniversary shows.

Please, notice that the long version of the videos can be seen only from Family Club's members.

>>Someone teaches me how to rip videos from my phone, please<<

-xtheybudou: takahashi ryu, -4u.: matsuzaki yusuke, -uchuusix: hayashi shota, -unit: theybudou, -uchuusix: eda tsuyoshi, *news/info*, -4u.: fukuda yuta, -4u.: koshioka yuki, -4u.: tatsumi yudai, media: screencaps, -unit: ふぉーゆー (4U.)

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