Playzone'14 Stage Photo First Release Preview

Jul 16, 2014 21:35

Everyone has 2 sets (10 pieces)

Bibari-san came to watch Playzone today and she even took photo seal for 4 times (obviously it's 4U.'s photos lol) and even danced with Fuku-chan during Funky Flushin'.

Nothing to do with mado-boys but, Shimekake fell down during Liar. The other Travis Japan boys were trying hard not to laugh but Shimekake was able to keep his serious face.

P/s: Sorry for messy update.Too busy (^^;

media: auctions/ previews, scans: photo set/ stage photos, -unit: "mad", -ma: yara tomoyuki, -unit: ふぉーゆー (4U.), -unit: theybudou

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