
Jan 10, 2014 17:08

P/S: My keyboard for C letter is broken, so excuse me if there's any mispell related to C.

1. Fukuda in Taki-CHANnel Jr. Meikan today.

2. Noda-san on The Ladybird's DVD; 1st LIVE DVD 「"Re:start" at BLAZE/Shinjuku Tokyo/2013.05.26」
Price: 3,900
You can purchase it here.

3. Ryu's new stageplay; Hoero Nihon Damashi - IKUSAGAMI
Date: 3/1 (13:00 and 17:30) and 3/2 (12:30 and 17:00)
Total shows: 4
Venue: Roon Okubo Hall
Ticket: 3,200 yen/ 3,800 yen (Book) 4,500 yen (Ticket at the door)
Detail: world-space

4. MADE... Can anyone update me, which show they appeared in with KAT-TUN?

5. Magazines (4U. appearances)
◆12/26 release「Stage Square vol.6」
◆12/27 release「BEST STAGE 2014 February」
◆1/5 release「GEKKAN Musical」
◆1/7 release「WiNK UP February」
◆1/7 release「POTATO February」

And this one... From Josei magazine something if I'm not wrong. Unfortunately Yu isn't in the list.


31 Yuki
The gap between his smart idea and airheaded character (20 y/o)

32 Yudai
Is always cheerful and in charge of pulling the members together.
He'd give his best in everything he does. (25 y/o)

33 Yuta
The Fuku-chan - Calm talk with his curly perm. (35 y/o)

34 Yusuke
The Zaki-san who would convey the important thing with his rap. (38 y/o)

35 Tsuyoshi
(I don't have the scan, can't read the text. Same as for Shota's)

37 Kouta
Smile is loved
He'd wave to anyone even if they hold others' uchiwas (34 y/o) ← Remember in which Arashi con he caught a lof of fans from older age group?

38 Ryota
Noisy dance and bright smile (24 y/o)

39 Shota
Dance and lovely voice.
I couldn't take my eyes off of him since ... (25 y/o)


Note: I don't really follow the reports, so everything is so brief.

Track list as last year except, as you can see in the pamphlet Pippa posted before
Road to → You&Me&Who,
Doushiyou mo nai  → Dou natte mo ii + BAD
Andalusia → What's your name?
Hoshikuzu → SOH
Liar/Guys → Party ga owatte mo

Briefly there are two skits if I'm not wrong; Bar skit and School skit.
I'm not really sure about bar skit.
Zaki-san is the owner, Tatsumi as a waiter, Yara the customer and Ryota as Yara's brother.

As for the school skit, Hayashi is the teacher, the rest are the students.
Yuma is a transferred student and also Fukuda's lost brother.
Ryota and Tsuyoshi are bad boys named Let's (Ryota) and Go (Tsuyoshi), with Su (Ikeda) and Pai (Kouta) as their followers.
Ryota has 200 IQ.
Yuma wore a necklace with a pendant written as "Younger brother" so when he came, the boys realized that Fuku-chan has the same pendant but written as "Elder brother".
When they found out that Yuma is Fuku-chan's brother, he refused to admit Yuma.
There was a scene in the classroom, but suddenly Yudai entered while crying, telling them he was beaten by Let's and Go.
So they wanted to revenge - and proceed to quiz battle.


Kossy forgot to close his zipper during Starlight

School Skit

Yara: Ah! School is about to start!
Yudai came in from the left of the stage, wearing gakuran.
Yudai: Everyone of Playzone Gakuen! Wrong, everyone of Nissay Gakuen, this is Playzone Gakuen. It's a new school, and I entered this school through my papa's connection, I'm Tatsumi Yudai. There is a proverb, right, saying a rice cake dumpling from the shelf which means ugly. Coming to school by limousine is a certain. Arriving at school with people screaming "Tatsumi, Tatsumi~ Ah, we don't want Matsuzaki!" in front of the school gate is just like a galaxy of paradise. And so, today starts.

Eda came in from right stage, Ryota from left, both doing acrobatic.
Shota entered, dressing like a teacher while dragging a blackboard.
The other students came in bringing their chairs.
Kossy was for unknown reason did a LIFE (命) pose.

Shota: Didn't I tell you cellphone is prohibited!? Bring your chair in.
Yudai: Ye~sss!
Shota: We have a transferred student today.

Light focused on the left stage - Everyone was excited.
But Yuma came out from the right stage normally.

Yudai: Nice to meet you.
Yuma freezed.
Yuki: Hey, that necklace!
Yuma: It's a memory of my brother whom lost since I was a kid.
Yuki: Doesn't it look like Fukuda's necklace?
Myuto: So, that means that Yuma is Fukuda's...
Yuki: Kid?
~all fell down~
Shota: Please take your seat.
Tatsumi: Yuma's seat is there (In front of Iketan)
Yuma went to his seat, Ike-chan was looking at a mirror.
Yu: (Talking to himself while looking at the mirror) What type are you? Pencil? Mechanical pencil? Or is it friction?
Yuma: Eh, what's wrong with him? Is he always like this?... Mechanical pencil?
Yu: Ah, I'm busy right now, don't talk to me please. (Ima isogashii kara hanashi kakenai de kureru?)
Someone: He's always like this!

Shota took the attendance.

Shota: Tatsumi-kun~ Koshioka-kun~ Fukuda-kun~ Eh? Fukuda-kun?

Yuta appeared from the left door of the hall.
He walked through A row while showing his "Brother" necklace.

Yuta: Seem like I forgot something~ What is it I wonder? Do you know something? (Asking someone from A row)
Audience: Dunno.
Yuta: Oh, informal language!? Why are you talking informally? Ah! I have school today! I have school!!

Yuta ran onto the stage.

Yuta: SAFE!!!

Shota hit his head.

Shota: OUT!! ... You overslept again?
Yuta: I didn't! Just now~ there was a girl~
All: Ooooo!
Yuta: So, I helped her~ As a thank, she invited me for a meal~
All: Uoooo!
Yuta: Plus... We went to a restaurant~
All: So like adult~~~
Yuta: After that, she gave me the key for a hotel room~
All: Then!? (What happened) there!?
Yuta: I woke up there~ (I think he meant he woke up at that part of his dream)
Shota: IT'S OVERSLEPT!! Gosh, go back to your seat!
Yuma: ANIKI!! (There's scene more, I think?)
Yuta (Refused to admit Yuma) Guys, let's go to the laboratory room!
Yuta: Yuma, this isn't a place you should come!
Yuki: Here is the school, you know? (I love this retort XD)
Yudai (Imitated Yuta before going out of the stage) This isn't a place you should come to! Because when I met you, it just doesn't hit me/ I just don't get it (?) - Omae ga kuru basho jyanai yo, datte atta toki pin to konakatta kara!

Not sure which part should I put this but, as Yuta didn't want to admit Yuma, Kouta told him "That's right, Mr. Fukuda. You're stinky hot water" - (Sou yo, Fukuda-shi. Oyu kusai jyanai ka?), then Yuki retorted him "It's unfriendly" (Sore mizu da ne.)
Note: Mizukusai - unfriendly | Mizu - Water | Yu - Hot water | Kusai - Stinky

All went out except Matsu and Yuma.

Shota: I'm going to check on the boys. You two, self-study!

Matsu: Yuuma-kun, can I get closer? (Moved his chair)
Matsu: Yuuma-kun, are Fukuda-kun and you brothers?
Yuma: Actually, after my dad's factory went bankrupt and our parents got divorced, we lived separately.

All the rest eavesdropped.

Yuma: My brother lived by himself alone. That's probably the reason he involved in the crime and overslept... They are eavesdropping!!
Shizuya: Poor Fukuda-kun.
Yuta: Guys, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to keep a secret from you. But Yuma... I... was picked by a rich man and lived happily!

Tatsumi entered the classroom, crying.

Asahi: Tatsumi-kun came back, crying!
Yudai: Ueeennnnmmm... I'm beaten by student council, Let's and Go.
All: Jeejeejee!?
Yudai: Then, they made fun of me.
Matsu: Damn! If they beat you, beat them back!
All: We should pay them back double the price.
Yuki: That's from last year's too.

Matsu: Then when should we pay them back?
All: NOW!
Matsu: When should we welcome them? (And he did something silly)

Matsu: Let me explain you about Let's and Go! There are a very elite duo group in this Playzone Gakuen. They are Let's and...
Ryota: Let's!
Matsu: Go!
Eda: Go!
Matsu: Then, there are their spies among us!
Yuki: Tell us if you know!
Matsu: They are Su and...
Yu: Su!
Matsu: Pai!
Kouta: Pai!

SPY wore sunglasses.

Ryota: Try to walk one step closer to Let's and Go-sama if you dare.
Yuma: Damn! Let's have a challenge then!

There was a whiteboard written "Common knowledge Quiz".

Hiroki came in wearing golden metallic clothes, as the MC.

Quiz: Tonari no OO wa OO da!
Answer: Tonari no shiba wa aoi da (The turf next door is green)

Yudai: The dinner next door is delicious (Tonari no bangohan wa oishisou)
Eda: The guest beside is eating ... (Tonari no kyaku wa kaki kuu kaki kaki... - Fumbled)
Yuta: The Totoro next door is my neighbour!
Shime: The prince beside is holding a princess in his arm.
Aran: The Morita next door is big.
Ryota: I'm Let's!
Eda: I'm Go!
Yuta: The next hall is doing Johnny's World now! (Tonari no gekijou wa JW yatteru!)
Hiroki: Hint! The next lawn is..?
Kouta: The next lawn is National Stadium!

Then Noeru got the correct answer.

Ryota: Let's have a fight then!

All fought.

Matsu: STOPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!! Human is born to love human, isn't it?
Yuma: Don't hide it under our uniform. The password is "Genki!". What is the password?
Matsu: GENKI!!!

All took off their uniforms and threw them into the air.
Ryota failed to catch his uniform back, so Kossy picked it for him.

Curtain call
From left: Noeru, Shimekake, Shizuya, Kaito, Yu, Kouta, Yuki, Tatsumi, Yara, Tsubasa, Yuma, Yuta, Matsu, Shota, Ryota, Tsu, Aran, Miyuto, Hiroki

Party ga Owatte mo
There was a dance part for each group. "MAD" started with a back-chu from Yu chan (I don't know what it is called in English, it's different from back-flip, right?)
Then both leaning their back on each other, turning toward the audience and "BAMM!".


I'll make a draft first and update it soon.



Ikeda forgot to close  his zipper during Hatto shite!


Bar skit

As Yara found out that Ryota is his brother...
Yara: Nice to meet you!
Ryota: Hi!
(Both talked in English)

Yara: Cassis soda, without cassis please. (After drink it) 100% soda ka mo ne (100% soda maybe)
Tatsumi: (Put his head on Yara's shoulder) Shuudensha ga dechatta (The .last train has left) - 100% ka mo ne song
Yara: Dechatta ne~ (It has left)

School skit

Quiz "Nou aru taka OO kakusu" - A falcon with brain hide its OO
Correct answer: Tsume (Nail)

Hiroki: Nou aru Taka, Toshi kakusu (Taka with brain hide Toshi)
Tatsumi: It's Taka and Toshi! (Comedian duo)]
Yu: Navel.

Kouta fumbled his words when giving the answer and was embarrassed and hugged Eda's hip who was posterior to him.
Ryota whispered to Eda, with serious face that he seriously doesn't know the answer.

-xtheybudou: takahashi ryu, -uchuusix: yamamoto ryota, -4u.: matsuzaki yusuke, -uchuusix: matsumoto kota, -unit: theybudou, reports: stageplay, media: other pictures, -uchuusix: eda tsuyoshi, *news/info*, -unit: "mad", -4u.: fukuda yuta, -4u.: koshioka yuki, -4u.: tatsumi yudai, -xmad: noda yuya, -unit: ふぉーゆー (4U.)

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