
Nov 09, 2013 18:27

Hello, good day!

There are a lot of things to say but I'll write them randomly based on my brain's memory orz

Back dancers for Arashi's concerts:
TheyBudou (Eda, Yamamoto, Hayashi)
"MAD" (Matsumoto, Ikeda)
MADE (Akiyama, Tomioka, Inaba, Fukushi, Imai)
Jr. Boys (Sasahara Eisaku, Tatsuoki Naoya, Watanabe Haruki, Okawa Keigo, Ando Shin, Kanda Noriyuki, Egami Ryu, Matsumoto Takuro, Horikoshi Daiki, Horikoshi Yuta)

11/8~9 (Nagoya)
Arashi talked a lot about Jr. during MC corner.

Center stage from left: Imai, Sasahara, Ikeda, Hayashi, Akiyama, Matsumoto (Kouta), Okawa, Horikoshi, Tomioka

Arashi had dinner with the junior on 11/8 night.
Eda told Ohno he did the wrong step, and the rest of Arashi were also told by junior about their mistakes.
(At first, Ohno just mentioned "Junior" but then Ninomiya revealed it by mentioning Eda's name)

During Step and Go, Eda walked and stopped behind Ninomiya and kept massaging Ninomiya's shoulders until they arrived to main stage (?)

Note: Correct me for any wrong reports.

4U. will have public recording for Pita Raji.


Happy 15th anniversary to Koshioka Yuki (...and Takeuchi Kotaro + Kato Yukihiro)

P/S: My HDDs are broken, so I lost all M.A.D.-related stuffs; concerts, stageplays, scans etc, so I can't make a graphic for their anniversary, or reupload any broken links. Sorry m(__ __)m

-uchuusix: yamamoto ryota, -unit: made, -uchuusix: matsumoto kota, -unit: theybudou, -made: fukushi nobuki, -uchuusix: eda tsuyoshi, -4u.: koshioka yuki, -unit: "mad", -unit: ふぉーゆー (4U.), reports: concerts, -xmad: kato yukihiro, -uchuusix: hayashi shota, -xmade: imai ryusei, -made: inaba hikaru, *news/info*, -unit: mad

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