12/30 KinKi Kids

Dec 30, 2012 13:50

Guests: Machida, "MAD", Tomioka Kento, Nakayama Yuma, Kansai Jr., Bakareya, noon boyz and Johnny san.

Seiko san came again today

MC talk

Koichi "The Budou that can't be Budou. T is not around anymore so they are HEYBudou!"
Tatsumi "HEY, Koichi kun!! You should use indirect expression for it!"
Koichi "It's okay to be direct!"
Ryota "You've shot into the topic again..."
Koichi "You don't have to pretend like it's never happened."

Koichi "Tatsumi, last night drama was so good!"
Tatsumi "Thank you."
Koichi "You had two roles in last night drama, it must be so difficult, right?"
Tatsumi "That's not me! That's Nakayama Yuma!! Koichi sent me email last night but it's Nakayama Yuma you were talking about."
Koichi "Well, as you were in it, I thought of watching it, and I thought you were so good in acting for bringing two roles. So, it was not you. Then I'll watch it again next week..."
Tatsumi "EH!? It was the last episode!?"
Koichi *WHY gesture*
Tatsumi "Is it Johnny san!?"

Yara's Childish episode
1. He splashed water to Ryota and screamed in joy while taking shower with Ryota.
2. Forgot his cosmetic tools and begged members to lend him.
3. When members changing costume, he'd hit Eda's half-naked body randomly.

Koichi "Yamamoto said Yara is the most childish guy among us."
Ryota "Yes, when he takes shower with me, he'd splash the water to me and when Eda and I change clothes and get half-naked, he'd hit our upper bodies randomly, and he even forget his cosmetic tools..."

Koichi "I heard you will have radio show? Do it properly!"
Tatsumi "I listen to Koichi's radio and during Question corner, you'd always give answers like whatsoever and I'd be like "Oh..."..."
Koichi "Have you recorded for it?"
Fukuda "Yes we have recorded it (4U. radio corner)."
Koichi "I'm so great you know. I've recorded my regular radio corner until May next year..."
Audience "EH!?"
D.Tsuyoshi "As I've been asked for the freshness, I record it in small amount to preserve the freshness..."
Koichi "My freshness last until May!"

D.Tsuyoshi asked Ryota "Why don't you bring your mom on the stage?"

4U. did train game while returning backstage.
Fukuda put hands on Kosshi's shoulder, Kosshi's on Matsu's shoulder and Matsu put his hands on Tatsumi and they started to return backstage.

Yara touched Ryota's butt during LOVESICK.

Fans said, the guests were so noisy.

① Wasn't at the venue, so please correct me for any mistakes.
② English isn't my first language, excuse me for any mistakes.

Random report
Last year, Kouta went with Taiga to KinKi con around this time.

-ma: machida shingo, reports: concerts, -uchuusix: yamamoto ryota, -made: tomioka kento, -unit: theybudou, -uchuusix: eda tsuyoshi, -unit: "mad", -4u.: tatsumi yudai, -unit: ふぉーゆー (4U.)

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