12/16 Koichi Osaka Gravity + SHOCK Cast

Dec 16, 2012 12:29

Good morning~

Confirmed cast for SHOCK 2013: Yara Tomoyuki, 4U., Yamamoto Ryota
Yara will be the rival role.
Koichi announced that there might be a change in the cast list for September SHOCK.

12/16 Koichi Osaka Gravity

They talked about Yonehana and mentioned Akiyama Jun.

They talked abour MIRROR concert
Koichi "It's been 6 years after MIRROR. That time, Akiyama was still with us. ...and even Yone has quitted now... Recently, when we were practicing for **Yamenai De, PURE song for KinKi concert, I kept thinking Yamenai De, YONE? ...and I don't even know when would I leave."
Ryota "Yamenai De, YONE is fine, but doesn't Yamenai De, KOICHI sound weird?"
Yara "You! You never talked to Yone, how dare you call him Yone only!?"
Ryota "I ever talked to him!"
Koichi "Rather than worrying about me, you should worry about yourself!"
Yara "But Yone, as soon as SHOCK ended, he came to talk to me asking "Should I tell Koichi kun properly about this?"... Well, he has his own life..."
Koichi "Is Yone doing good?"
Yara "Yes, he is!"

**YAMENAI DE: Don't stop/ Don't quit

Last night, when they went to have dinner, Yara put shrimps into Ryota's plate and Koichi forced him to eat it.

Koichi "Johnny san said to Ryota, "YOU! are an extra to Yara!"
Ryota "I don't mind being called an extra but what do you think about me?"
Koichi "I think nothing of you!"
Ryota looked so shocked after Koichi said so until his hands got sweaty.

During MC, Yara and Ryota didn't come out when Koichi called them.
Later, Yara came out and told Koichi they went to toilet, and Ryota entered after that, saying "I'm sorry!".

Yara took shower in dressing room and even Koichi in his room could hear Yara screamed "IT'S HOT!!!"
Koichi "You didn't check the temperature before open the shower. You should check it!"

① Wasn't at the venue, so please correct me for any mistakes.
② English isn't my first language, excuse me for any mistakes.

Koichi said he won't let Ryota fix his flying hook in SHOCK, and added "Yone always did such important work neatly and properly,..."
Ryota said he always did it for Takizawa kun, but then someone said (I guess, Yara?) "The one did it is Eda, right? You only in charge of tapping Takizawa's shoulder!"
Then Ryota said "No, I always do it too!"
Koichi "Yone always did it alone!"

Matsuzaki sent Ryota an email last night telling how much does he love Ryota's mom.
My comment: Ryota's dad, please be careful! Someone is trying to steal your cute wife!

Koichi "As you never come for a long tour like this with me, what do you like best about this tour?"
Ryota "I got to eat delicious food after each stage ended!"
Koichi "Not about the stage at all! lol"

-uchuusix: eda tsuyoshi, -ma: yonehana tsuyoshi, reports: concerts, -uchuusix: yamamoto ryota, *news/info*, -ma: yara tomoyuki, -unit: ふぉーゆー (4U.)

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