11/29 T&T Reports

Nov 29, 2012 18:47

Not much to say...

First, Happy Birthday Takumi~~~
(Late update though, sorry)

Today's T&T con in... Yamagata I guess?

Since the tour is around cold places recently, yesterday and today, Yuki told audience to wear thicker clothes and jackets so that they won't get sick (It's him actually, who can't stand with cold weather)
So Yudai said, "In Tokyo, I always think "Kosshii is so cool and stylish!" but here in Tohoku, I think Kosshi looks stupid!" ROFL
I wonder how thick his clothes lol

Yudai said, when he first joined Johnny's, he called Yuta "Fuku san" lol So they started to talk in formal Japanese to Yuta and Yuki complained "I'm the eldest among you, right!?" ... \(~_____~)/ Just a few days, Yuki! Stop bragging lol

They said Yuki always did "refreshing" mistakes, so Yuki complained "Everyone also does mistakes, right!?" and Yuta added "No, your mistakes are always funny!!" ← Definitely the Noda san of 4U.! ROFL

Yudai reminded people, 4U.'s writing is ふぉ~ゆ~ in hiragana, with "~" mark instead of ー mark, remember okay, people? lol

-xmade: yamashita takumi, reports: concerts, wish: birthday, -unit: ふぉーゆー (4U.)

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