Gravity DVD

Nov 24, 2012 12:17

Seems like there might be GRAVITY DVD soon, unconfirmed yet but might!

So, Yara, Ryota and Koichi's fans, prepare your money lol

Some reports on Gravity

- Koichi has started calling YamaRyo "Ryota" instead of "Yamamoto"
- Koichi was the first person sending Ryota birthday mail on last 11/14, even faster than 4U.'s mails

(Details by cierra_james - Thank you)

- During an MC segment, Koichi called Yara and Ryota out on to the stage. He called 'Yaracchi' and in a very small voice 'Ryota' before correcting himself and calling 'Yamamoto' louder. Ryota then called him on it and said that being called Ryota made it seem that there was less distance between them, so could Koichi keep calling him Ryota. Koichi refused, but then for the rest of the con kept calling him Ryota at random moments making the whole crowd go 'Ooooh' every time! It was sooo cute and Yara was off to the side doubled over laughing his ass off at the whole exchange!!!

- The reason for Koichi sending the mail the earliest is because he sent it really late on the 13th instead of the 14th. Ryota wondered if maybe Koichi had gotten the date wrong.

info: rumour, reports: concerts, -uchuusix: yamamoto ryota

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